A New Way Of ThinkingThe Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) is a strategy created by R. Nelson Nash detailed in his book Becoming Your Own Banker, It forms the basis of our three part course of instruction exploring the genius of creating a POWER account.
Your need for finance (cars, credit cards, homes, college education, etc.) is much greater than your need for protection (insurance), Utilizing this time-tested program (200+ years) you achieve the coverage you need at the time you need it most while creating a cash account that delivers tax-free money to you as you need it. The recent discovery of the benefits of Dividend-Paying Whole Life Insurance have created a new opportunity for those willing to change the way they think about money. Dottenwhy Financial Group proves, with actual numbers, that dividend-paying whole life insurance is the safest, most powerful place to store your money regardless of what Wall Street has touted, We will teach you how to create an ever-increasing pool of income tax free environment money that you have complete access and control of. Dottenwhy Financial Group is dedicated to teaching this powerful concept, so you can eliminate outside debt, create wealth, and pass on a lasting legacy to every future generation. We have created a three-part training program for you to do your own research. We make this content available for free because we are confident that once you have researched the validity of the Infinite Banking Concept you will want to contact us to create your own wealth account. |
We have created a full-featured Education Center to help you easily understand the Infinite Banking Concept. |